We offer a complete range of solutions for cleaning and flushing out build-up and obstructions in pipes, and for washing and restoring vats and tanks to their original condition.
Are you struggling with limescale, rust or fouling that’s preventing the proper functioning of your condensers and heat exchangers?
Would you like to improve the efficiency of your systems and reduce operating costs?
Do you want to restore the safety and performance conditions of your piping and prevent more serious problems like breakages and leaks?
The build-up of limescale and fouling inside pipes, heat exchangers and condensers is a clear sign of the degradation of an industrial plant. In the long term, this build-up affects the proper functioning of the plant, impacting its efficiency and leading to possibly more serious problems such as breakages, obstructions and emergencies. GMA offers a complete range of solutions for cleaning and flushing out build-up and obstructions in pipes, and for washing and restoring vats and tanks to their original condition.
Low-pressure hydro-mechanical pipe cleaning for heat exchangers and condensers

pulizia idromeccanica bassa pressione

Low-pressure hydrodynamic cleaning with “scrapers” is a mechanical process involving the removal of build-up from small-diameter pipes, such as those in heat exchangers and condensers, thus restoring their original condition. The process, perfected by GMA, uses the force of water to create a hydrodynamic flow that pushes the mechanical inserts (“scrapers”) inside the pipes. These scrapers remove any obstructions and accurately eliminate residue even from the most hard-to-reach pipes. The low-pressure cleaning process offers numerous benefits, making it both competitive and sustainable:

Efficacy: a very efficient technique for removing different types of build-up including limescale, rust and fouling.

Safety: a non-invasive flushing technique performed at low pressure without the need for hazardous chemicals or solvents.

Sustainability: a technique that consumes very little water, offering a 95% water saving compared to high-pressure systems.

Convenience: a rapid, relatively simple solution offering the same or superior quality compared to other flushing systems.

High-pressure hydro-mechanical cleaning

pulizia idromeccanica alta pressione

High-pressure hydro-mechanical cleaning uses high-pressure water jets to remove build-up from flat surfaces like the outside of heat exchangers and condensers, vats and tanks. This solution is indispensable for certain types of build-up, including limescale, rust and fouling. To keep water consumption down and protect the environment, GMA uses special low-water-consumption, high-efficiency, high-pressure nozzles.

Chemical cleaning

Chemical cleaning involves the use of chemical products to dissolve build-up. It is a very efficient solution for certain types of build-up, however, in order to be environmentally friendly and keep risks to a minimum, it also requires very special attention. To protect the environment, GMA uses eco-friendly, certified and biodegradable chemicals.

Low-pressure flushing with scrapers is an effective solution for various types of build-up, including:
Limescale is a type of mineral deposit that forms when lime and magnesium combine with water. Limescale can reduce the transfer of heat and also cause corrosion.
Rust is a type of corrosion that occurs when iron is exposed to oxygen. Rust can negatively affect the mechanical strength of heat exchangers and condensers, and in the worst-case scenario even cause leaks.
Fouling is a generic term for any type of build-up other than limescale or rust. Fouling can be caused by a variety of factors, including oil, grease, particulate matter and bacteria. Fouling build-up can reduce the transfer of heat and also cause leaks.
Cleaning and flushing systems and pipes and removing build-up, rust and fouling are the basis of ongoing maintenance to ensure the proper functioning of industrial plants. GMA offers flushing and cleaning solutions for all conditions of use. With GMA, you can be sure your heat exchangers and condensers are clean and in perfect working order.
Turn to GMA to clean your condensers, heat exchangers and systems and enjoy all the benefits our expert service can provide.
Cost savings and an extended service life
Effective, eco-friendly, safe, cutting-edge cleaning and repair techniques
Reduced risk of pipe blockages and equipment breakdown
Convenient on-site assistance and rapid response times at the client’s facility
Restoration of initial system and piping performance levels
Custom services and assistance for all cleaning and repairs
Chiller flushing and ND testing
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Condenser flushing
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Condenser chemical flushing
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